Reduscar online

Reduscar is a medication used to treat hair loss in men. It is the brand name for the drug finasteride, which is a type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. In other words, it inhibits the enzyme that is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the hormone that is responsible for causing hair loss in men. By inhibiting the production of DHT, Reduscar can help to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. It is a prescription medication, so it is only available through a doctor's prescription.

There are two different forms of Reduscar: a tablet and a solution. The tablet is taken orally, while the solution is applied topically to the scalp. Both forms of the medication are equally effective. The most common side effect of Reduscar is sexual dysfunction. This includes decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculatory dysfunction. These side effects are most common in men who are taking the tablet form of the medication. The solution is less likely to cause sexual side effects. Other common side effects of Reduscar include fatigue, dizziness, and headache.

Reduscar is a safe and effective medication for treating hair loss in men. It is important to talk to your doctor about the potential side effects of the medication before starting treatment. If you experience any sexual side effects, you should talk to your doctor about changing to the solution form of the medication. With proper treatment, Reduscar can help you keep your hair and regain your confidence.

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